November 2nd – 7th, 2022
Agilent Technology, Singapore
Prof.Chris Elliott and Assistant Prof.Dr. Awanwee Petchkongkaew, Co-Founders of IJC-FOODSEC were officially invited by Agilent Technologies to visit Agilent Manufacturer in Singapore during November 2nd -7th, 2022.
Prof. Elliott and Dr. Awanwee were brought to observe all the production lines of Agilent state-of-the-art high-throughput instruments, especially Mass spectrophotometry. In addition, during the visit, they share with Agilent the key activities of IJC-FOODSEC, the five grand challenges on the world future food safety, and how the collaboration between IJC-FOODSEC and Agilent can help on this issues.

November 3rd , 2022
The 21st IUFoST World Congress, Singapore
Prof.Chris Elliott met with International Union for Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) Board, including Prof. Pingfan Rao (Honorary Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology) and Dr. Vish Prakash (Immediate Past President of IUFoST), as well as Judith Meech (IUFoST Secretary-General). The aim of the meeting was to discuss on the joint-conference between IJC-FOODSEC and IUFoST on the topic around alternative proteins which shall take place in Bangkok, Thailand around May 2023.
IUFoST is a non-profit federation of national food science organizations linking the world’s food scientists and technologists. IUFoST aims to promote the advancement of global food science and technology as well as to strengthen food science and technology’s role in helping secure the world’s food supply and eliminate world hunger.

November 3rd , 2022
The 21st IUFoST World Congress, Singapore
Prof. Chris Elliott and Assistant Prof.Dr. Awanwee Petchkongkaew, Co-Founder of IJC-FOODSEC were officially invited to Future REady Food Safety Hub (FRESH) at NTU, Singapore. Discussions were on the collaboration on food safety and alternative protein between IJC-FOODSEC and FRESH in the next future.