IJC-FOODSEC project receives funding support from Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and UKaids.
Jan 6th, 2023
Initiated by IJC-FOODSEC through a strong partnership with the division of Policy Study and Biosafety Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC, Thailand), our project entitled “Climate Resilience of Local or Community Food Systems in Thailand” has been awarded a funding support of 69,987 GBP from Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and UKaids.
This 7-month project (conducted during December 2022 to June 2023) aims to examine the available evidence on the current policy landscape on climate resilient food systems and to provide a better understanding regarding the food systems profile and its complex interactions in response to climate change and other uncertainties.
In addition, an accomplishment of this study will draw a better comprehension on how various resilience capacities are implemented to support the food system performance and outcomes. This is to ensure equitable sustainable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to all, as well as to enhance social and gender equality.
The proposed policy will be interlocked with ongoing and emerging policy challenges, such as Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs), Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model, which were introduced by the Thai Government as part of the strategy for national development, and Thailand’s National Strategic Framework for Food Management. In addition, the study will identify appropriate technologies, infrastructure, social protection programs, financial support mechanisms, incentives, capability needs, and a network of food supply chain actors. It will help local government to build a more inclusive food system for marginalized groups, such as smallholders, women, and our youth.