Two IJC-FOODSEC members (Dr. Umaporn Uawisetwathana and Miss Natnicha Charoenwong) joined the 20th Annual International Conference of the Metabolomics Society (Metabolomics 2024) held at Osaka ATC Hall, Osaka Bay, Japan during June 16th-20th , 2024.
Congratulations to Dr. Umaporn Uawisetwathana for receiving L.M.I.C. award selected by Metabolomics Society committee.
Osaka ATC Hall, Osaka Bay, Japan
Many Congratulations to him. Dr. Umaporn Uawisetwathana, a researcher from IJC-FOODSEC and BIOTEC, NSTDA, gave a talk on “Understanding shrimp phenotypic responses to different environmental conditions using multi-omics approaches” and discussed about metabolomics in depth with other researchers.
In this talk, she has been selected by Metabolomics Society committee to receive Low and Middle-Income Country Awards (L.M.I.C.) award expressing the excellent research and effort on the metabolomics fields for the people who are from low- and middle-income countries.
Miss Natnicha Charoenwong, a Ph.D. student from Thammasat University and IJC-FOODSEC member, gave a poster presentation on “Exploring metabolomic profiles of female shrimp at broodstock stage: an optimization-to-application” to the expertise and attendances worldwide.
In addition, she has received an opportunity to join the Early-career Members Network (EMN) of the Metabolomics Society, a network for early career scientists participating in the world of metabolomics.