Main Goal

Polyhydroxyalkonates (PHA) are biodegradable plastics that are synthesized by microbial fermentation. They vary in their chemical composition, their functionalities, and properties. PHAs can be applied among a multitude of diverse materials for high performance e.g.: med-tech applications, films for packaging, coating, industrial glues, cosmetics, or consumer goods with injection moulding.

LignoPlas connects established Fraunhofer know-how and that of the partners from Thailand within a new matrix approach. The main objective of the LignoPlas project is to establish a robust and advanced processing of lignin, which in this case consists of biocatalysis and oxidation. The derivatives obtained in this process will be used for the fermentative production of biopolyesters, more precisely polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). In addition to the technical development of the new lingnin-to-PHA process, LignoPlas validates the market relevance of the technical R&D target and develops a concept for the sustainable end-of-life management of PHA. The insights gained lead to the development of a strategy to develop and scale the novel process up to product-relevant dimensions. Overall, LignoPlas strengthens the establishment of a sustainable bioeconomy both in Thailand and in Germany by establishing near-market scaling routes for the production of lignin-based PHA.