BIOTEC Researcher among The World’s Most Highly Cited Researchers in Her Field by Clarivate Analytics

Dr. Satinee SuetrongDr. Satinee Suetrong, a researcher at Fungal Biodiversity Laboratory, Biodiversity and Biotechnological Resource Research Unit, BIOTEC, is among an elite group recognized for exceptional research works demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers ranked in the top 1% by citations for field and year (Highly Cited Researchers: HCR). Dr. Suetrong is identified on the HCR list in Plant and Animal Science. This year’s list features 11 researchers in Thailand.

Dr. Suetrong investigates the species diversity of marine fungi in Thailand’s mangrove forest, including their morphology, habitats and roles in marine ecosystem. The investigation encompasses survey and collection and morphological and molecular characterization of fungi. Years of extensive studies have led up to the discovery of new species of marine fungi and their utilization as sources for bioactive compounds and chemical compounds with pharmaceutical potential.

Clarivate Analytics is the global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to enable researchers to accelerate discovery. It annually launches Highly Cited Researchers list with the purpose to identify contemporary and influential researchers who have consistently won recognition in the form of high citation counts over a decade (