On 9 March 2018, HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously presided over the Opening Ceremony of the NSTDA Annual Conference 2018: NAC2018. NAC2018 was organized from 9-13 March 2018 to showcase achievements on research and innovation made by NSTDA and its partners to support five major industries, namely modern agriculture, biofuels and biochemicals, food for the future, next-generation automotive and logistics, and enhancement of public health and quality of life. NAC2018 lineup consisted of scientific conferences, exhibition, open house to industry, science activities for kids and an S&T job fair.

BIOTEC participated in the exhibition displaying and providing information on the following projects and innovations under each industrial theme:
Modern Agriculture: Plant Factory, the Development of High-throughput Phenotyping Platform for Rice Breeding and the Establishment of Rice Database for Research and Application, Application of Biocontrol for Pest Management, and the Development of Plant Disease Diagnostics.

Biofuels and Biochemicals: Thailand Bioresource Research Center (TBRC), Potential and Utilization of Mushroom, Biorefinery, National Biopharmaceutical Facility (NBF), Bioprocess Facility, and Biogas.

Food for the Future: eLysozymeTM: High-value Product from Eggs, The Integration of Traditional Knowledge and Science to Develop an Innovative Process for Hatakabb Anti-cough Pills, and Starter Culture Technology.