BIOTEC-NSTDA and Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden (QSBG) signed an MOU to collaborate on the development of Biobank for the conservation, research and utilization of bioresources. The MOU provides a framework for collaboration on the conservation of plant genetic resources in a disease-free environment at the Biobank. The collection of plant genetic resources will promote the research and development on sustainable utilization of plant species, adding value to the crops. The MOU signing ceremony was held on 14 March 2018 with leaders of both parties, namely Dr. Somvong Tragoonrung, BIOTEC Executive Director and Mr. Ronnarong Sengiam, QSBG Director.

Thailand is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, known especially for its plant diversity. However, these plant species are constantly threatened by the climate change and the deforestation. Conservation of plant species and their genetic materials are therefore becoming vital to safeguard the people’s livelihood and future generation. Identification and conservation of plant genetic resources will play a crucial role to sustain plant species.
This partnership will focus on the conservation of herbal plants and the establishment of their DNA barcoding systems. The combination of DNA barcoding and plant’s phenotypes will enable species identification with high accuracy which will underpin research into the utilization of these herbs.