BIOTEC research team, led by Drs. Panit Kitsubun, Anan Jongkaewwattana and Peera Jaruampornpan, has been awarded a research grant from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) to establish biopharmaceutical and animal vaccine production in Thailand and neighboring South East Asian countries. The Thai team will be working with UK experts led by Prof. Colin Robinson from the University of Kent. The grant, worth £3.93 million over a period of 4 years starting from October 2017, will be used to build up capacity to manufacture low-cost vaccines and biopharmaceuticals for applications in public health and agriculture for Thailand and its neighboring countries. This project is among 37 projects receiving GCRF Growing Research Capability.
Panit is currently based at the National Biopharmaceutical Facility which is operated under the collaboration between BIOTEC/NSTDA and KMUTT, whereas Anan and Peera are from BIOTEC Virology and Cell Technology Laboratory.

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is set up by the UK Government to support cutting-edge research and innovation that addresses the global issues faced by developing countries.