On 9 June 2023, Prof. Alessia Buscaino, a professor in fungal epigenetics, and Prof. Colin Robinson, a professor in biotechnology, visited BIOTEC to discuss our potential collaboration on microorganisms.
The visit involved a potential collaboration discussion and a laboratory visit to illustrate our work. They visited the following facilities: the Microbial Cell Factory Research Team, which Dr. Sutipa Tanapongpipat, Team Lead, and Dr. Niran Roongsawang, Researcher, led the visit. Next, Dr. Nitsara Karoonuthaisiri, a Research Fellow at the Microarray Research Team, gave an overview presentation of and showcased the International Joint Research Center On Food Security (IJC-FOODSEC). The next laboratory visit was the Plant Microbe Interaction Research Team, in which Dr. Noppol Kobmoo, Researcher, and Dr. Umpawa Pinruan, Researcher, exhibited the work. Ms. Suwanee Chunhametha, Technician, and Dr. Chitwadee Phithakrotchanakoon, Researcher, also led a tour at the Thailand Bioresource Research Center (TBRC). The group ended the program at BIOTEC Bioprocessing Facility (BBF), in which Dr. Weerapong Woraprayote, Researcher, illustrated the BBF’s research discoveries.
The visit was part of a series of our symposiums on 8 June 2023 at Grande Centre Point Terminal 21, Bangkok. The symposium series was organized to reflect our successful collaboration on developing antiviral microalgae for disease control in aquaculture, biopharmaceuticals, and animal vaccine production in Thailand.