BIOTEC, NSTDA with partners organized the “International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Bioeconomy 2017 or AGBIO2017” during 27 February – 2 March 2017 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand. On this occasion, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously presided over the opening ceremony on the first day of the event.

The event signifies an effort of BIOTEC, NSTDA and the competent partners to provide another opportunity supporting the knowledge-based society and economy as well as to provide a platform where international researchers, policy makers and industry leaders can exchange ideas, build partnerships, and update on latest innovations and technologies relevant to key topics of the conference.

The AGBIO2017 was first held by the various relevant sub-themes such as Seed & Seed Technology, Bioresource collection and Biobased industry. The conference program consists of special lectures by international renowned speakers, oral and poster presentation, exhibition, and business matching. There were up to 1,000 domestic and international participants attended this event.

Furthermore, the AGBIO 2017 was scheduled coincidentally with the 9th Starch Update 2017 on February 27 – 28, 2017 at BITEC. The topics of the Starch Update this year were Starch properties and analysis, Starch processing, Starch modification and Starch application.