Dr. Pratsaneeyaporn Posiri, a researcher at the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), has been awarded a £100,000 grant under the IVVN (International Veterinary Vaccinology Network) Pump Priming program. The granted project, “Baci-VAC, a novel RNAi vaccine from a non-pathogenic Bacillus subtilis cell expressing dsRNA-EHP to protect microsporidian infection in shrimp” aims to tackle a critical challenge in shrimp farming—disease caused by the microsporidian parasite Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP).
The innovative approach utilizes the bacterium Bacillus subtilis as a natural “factory” to produce double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). This dsRNA specifically targets the transcription of a protein called EhPTP2, which is essential for EHP’s infection process in shrimp. By inhibiting the synthesis of this protein, the Baci-Vac vaccine is expected to reduce infections and improve shrimp growth, offering environmentally friendly and sustainable solution for aquaculture. This approach not only mitigates losses in the aquaculture industry but also strengthens global food security.
This groundbreaking work is a collaborative effort, with Dr. Posiri partnering with Dr. Kallaya Dangtip, Research Fellow from BIOTEC and researchers from Teesside University (UK), Thammasat University, and Mahidol University.
The anticipated results of this research could significantly benefit shrimp farmers by preventing a disease that causes substantial economic losses. It reinforces BIOTEC’s role in fostering scientific innovation and building international partnerships to address critical industry challenges.
Reference: IVVN Awards Fifth Round of Pump-Priming Grants to Advance Livestock Vaccine Research in LMICs | IVVN (https://www.intvetvaccnet.co.uk/news/ivvn-awards-fifth-round-of-pump-priming-grants-to-advance-livestock-vaccine-research-in-lmics)