On 13 July 2023, Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering (RCPE)—a global leader in pharmaceutical process engineering in Austria—represented by Dr. Thomas Klein, CEO & Business Director, and Mr. Sulaiman Mohsenzada, Business Operations Area Leader, visited BIOTEC to explore international collaboration and learn more about our research discovery.
During the visit, BIOTEC presented its research highlights in biomolecular engineering and conducted a comprehensive facility tour to showcase its work. The group had the opportunity to explore several key facilities: Bio-organic Chemistry Research Team, which Dr. Chollaratt Boonlarppradab, Researcher, led the tour. Next, Dr. Nitipol Srimongkolpithak, Researcher, and Dr. Chalupat Jindakun, Researcher, gave an overview of the Frontier Biodesign and Biomolecular Engineering Research Team.