Regional Hub of Integrated
Breeding Platform
In breeding programs, vast amount of data is produced every cropping season and often time is not enough to allow decisive breeding decisions on selection and planning for the next generation. Therefore, a support system is needed to integrate all process in a breeding program to maximize benefit. The CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme, in collaboration with a broad range of partners from CG Centres, universities and national programs, has developed the Integrated Breeding Platform serving as resources that breeders need to design and manage plant breeding projects. At the heart of the Platform is the Breeding Management System (BMS) – a package composed of software applications for breeders to plan, conduct, analyze and assess the outcomes of their work. BMS is an exhaustive array of interrelated breeding informatics tools and related databases. It helps breeders manage breeding activities in a very user-friendly and efficient way.
In order to promote the use of Integrated Breeding Platform in this region, BIOTEC has been serving as a Regional Hub of the IBP since 2014. The activities are implemented by Rice Gene Discovery Laboratory, based at Kasetsart University. Activities include organizing training workshops and operating help-desk to provide technical support to interested crop breeders.
Visit official website of Regional Hub of Integrated Breeding Platform at