Scientific Resources
The following tools and database are made available through the long-term investment of BIOTEC and NSTDA to build up Thailand’s infrastructure for biotechnology and life science research:
Thai Science Biodiversity is an integrated database on biodiversity resources collected at three major agencies under Thailand Ministry of Science and Technology, namely: BIOTEC, National Science Museum and Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, containing information about organisms grouped and categorized by their structure, source and geography.
RiceGeneTresher: A web-based application for mining genes underlying QTL in the rice genome.
Rice Database contains data of population genotype and phenotype of KDML and RD6.
MDBioEnergyis a database of potential microbial species that can be used to produce bioenergy. The database is designed on relational database concept, and consists of species taxonomy, its genes, proteins and enzymes involved in energy conversion pathway. The database will be useful to all who are working on microbial strain improvement for bioenergy production.
Human variation databases: Pan-Asian SNP, Thai SNP, Thailand human mutation and variation.
Germplasm databases of tomato, corn, cucGermplasm databasesumber and chili, from the germplasm evaluation projects funded by NSTDA.
Bioinformatic tools and web-applications developed at the Genome Institute.
Softwares developed at Bioresources Technology Unit to facilitate the search-and-discovery of exploitable bioresources.