BIOTEC in collaboration with the National Vaccine Institute organized the seminar on National biobanks and bioresource: Prospects for standardization and networking on June 12, 2017 at the Narai Hotel, Bangkok. The seminar aimed to promote the Vaccine Resource Center under the proposal for the establishment of the Bioresource Research Center for Vaccine Production and to standardize and effectively manage the medical bioresource in Thailand. The Vaccine Resource Center will serve as a depository and service center for vaccine through networking with the Thailand Bioresource Research Center (TBRC) as well as various academic and research institutes.

The talks were conducted by several experts in the field of vaccine and bio resource preservation from the National Vaccine Institute, BIOTEC, BioNet-Asia Co., Ltd. which is a biotech company, engages in the development and marketing of vaccines, and the China National Genebank (CNGB). The seminar was well attended by more than 50 participants from medical research organizations, universities and private sectors.