As Thailand is one of the agricultural countries of the world, and cassava and starch have been playing an important role of Thai export market. Moreover, they are utilized in many industries specifically in food and beverage.
BIOTEC and NSTDA in collaboration with Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute (KAPI), Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand Research Organiations Network (TRON) and Ingredion organized the 9th International Conference on Starch Technology (Starch Update 2017). The Starch Update international conference is a bi-annually event implemented by BIOTEC and NSTDA with the aim to recognize the strong connections among the interested groups.

The 9th Starch Update 2017 is organized during 27-28 February 2017, concurrently alongside with AGBIO2017. The two international conferences involving in the agricultural researches and industries will rapidly support and provide innovative facilities.
The Starch Update 2017’s program consisted of keynote and plenary speakers as well as oral and poster presentation sessions; covered the topics of starch properties and analysis, starch processing starch modification and starch application.