NSTDA partnered with over 30 organizations to organize the Thailand Tech Show 2016 on 8-10 September 2016 under the theme “S&T for Thailand 4.0” with the components of show case, conference, pitching new technology, and business matching. This event aims to be a channel for inventor and investor to meet and find interested technology.
BIOTEC took part in the exhibition by showing “Immunochromatographic strip test for multiplex detection of three plant pathogens in cucurbits”, an inexpensive and accurate detection system for plant pathogens. It detects potyvirus, watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2) and Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac).
The Thailand Tech Show 2016 was held in correspondence with NSTDA’s Investor Day which BIOTEC featured the Serotyping-NS1 ELISA for detection of NS1, a protein secreted from infected cells, and identify DENV serotypes simultaneously. This new assay offers an alternative to the current method of identifying DENV serotypes through laborious virus isolation followed by immunofluorescent assay and sophisticated RT-PCR.